about me
Height: 5"3 | Mezzo Soprano
Doreen Nguyen is an actor, singer, and dancer based in Orange County and Los Angeles, CA.
She currently attends Temple University in Philadelphia, PA for her B.A. in Theatre with a concentration in Musical Theatre.
Avenue Q | Christmas Eve | Footlighters Theater
Men on Boats | Tsauwiat | Temple Theaters
Thou Shalt Covet | Peggy | Soundspace Performing Arts
Shout! the Mod Musical | Blue, Dance Captain | Wilkes University
Sideshow | Tattoo Girl | Temple Theaters
Heathers | Stoner Chick | No Square Theater
Miss Saigon | Mimi, Miss Chinatown | Academy for the Performing Arts
Gypsy | Marjorie May | Theatre Out​
Shrek the Musical | Dragonette | Academy for the Performing Arts
Chess | Ensemble | 11th Hour Theatre Company
The Art of Being Izzy | Maxine | Colin Pawlowski
Miss Purple | Extra | Justin Chon
Bad Match | Extra | David Chichirillo
Emmett | Extra | Bridget Stokes
Temple University | BA Musical Theatre | c/o 2020
Academy for Performing Arts | Musical Theatre major, Dance minor | c/o 2015
Encore Dance Company | Dance Intensive | 2013, 2014
Special Skills
Vietnamese (fluent), Spanish (conversational), Burp on command, Beginner piano,
Basic sight singing, Flexibility, Cartwheel, Baby freeze, Aerial hoop, Roller skating, Pole dancing, Hula hooping, Crochet, Puppeteering,
Character voices (old lady, crying baby, small child), Works well with kids, Great cook!